Government announce the further reopening of primary schools
The Department of Education has today confirmed the further reopening of primary schools from Monday, 15 March 2021. This follows the reopening of special sc...

Member update – Wider reopening of primary schools
Earlier this morning, the Department of Education informed the INTO that arrangements for the next phase of the reopening of primary schools, led by public health advice, would be made early next week.

INTO welcomes publication of reproductive health leave bill
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) welcomes the publication of today’s Organisation of Working Time (Reproductive Health Related Leave) Bil...

INTO welcomes class size reductions in all DEIS Band 1 schools
Ahead of Budget 2021, the INTO and our members campaigned and lobbied for a reduction in class sizes in all primary schools to move Ireland towards the EU av...

Deputy General Secretary/General Treasurer Designate Deirdre O’Connor takes office
Monaghan native is honoured to represent teachers across the island.Following her election in December 2020, Deirdre O’Connor today (1 March) takes up the ...

Advice – Pregnant teachers and the re-opening of mainstream classes
The INTO has secured an agreement that the interim measures, which were put in place in special education settings during February, will be extended for teac...

Government plan for partial reopening of primary schools published
Following the reopening of special schools on 11 February and the resumption of special class provision, the INTO entered further intensive consultation with...

ICTU public services committee endorses public service agreement
Public service unions, including the INTO, affiliated to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions today (Tuesday) endorsed a new public service agreement after 13 ...

Important change to illness benefit
With effect from 1 March 2021, teachers who pay Class A PRSI must claim Illness Benefit from the DEASP whenever they are absent on sick leave for more than t...