Member video – Key talking points and Q&A on the proposed pay agreement
Earlier today, we had planned to deliver a live event on our Facebook channel to allow members to ask questions about the ballot on the proposed public secto...

Plans and protocols for partial and phased resumption of special schools and special classes
Over the last two weeks, the INTO has participated in intensive engagement with the Department of Education and Fórsa. The Central Executive Committee of INTO has considered detailed proposals on a slow, phased and partial resumption of special education from mid-February.

Spectrum.Life to launch Digital Wellbeing Series and Digital Gym
Spectrum.Life, the current employee assistance service provider, are launching a Digital Wellbeing Series and Digital Gym which INTO members can access fr...

Department updates schools on planning for education sector
The INTO has been advised that the Department of Education has this morning written to principals. In this letter the department notified schools that the Go...

Ahead of member ballot, INTO publishes informational booklet on proposed public service agreement
Ahead of the forthcoming ballot of members on a new public sector pay deal, the INTO has published an informational Eolas setting out the key changes in the...

Vacancy – Assistant General Secretary: Legal, Industrial Relations and Equality Section
A vacancy has arisen for the position of Assistant General Secretary (AGS) in the INTO’s Legal, Industrial Relations and Equality Section due to a retireme...

Online Ballot on Proposed Pay Agreement – Call for all members’ email addresses
An online ballot will soon be conducted on the proposed pay agreement ‘Building Momentum, 2021-2022’. Voting will take place from 3-9 February.In advanc...

Member update – CEC meets to discuss latest developments
Members of the Central Executive Committee convened this afternoon as engagement with the Department of Education resumed.

Deadline for Career Break, Job share and Temporary Re-assignment – Monday, 1 February 2021
Members should note the application deadline for career break, job share and temporary teacher assignment is Monday, 1 February 2021.Are you seeking an inter...