Teachers and SNAs call for postponement of schools’ reopening
INTO and Fórsa this evening said Government efforts to reassure school staff that it was safe for schools to open limited services to students with special education needs (SEN) had failed.

Update: Serious safety concerns must be addressed prior to any reopening of schools
The INTO’s Central Executive Committee has said that teachers’ grave safety concerns have not been adequately addressed by today’s public health webinar and by Government.

Guidance issued to schools ahead of limited reopening of special education
The Department of Education has this evening written to schools to outline plans for provision from next Thursday....

Update on Gaeltacht Placement for teachers with the Irish Language Requirement (ILR) condition on their registration
Teachers who are currently engaging with Marino Institute of Education in order to complete the SCG/OCG to fulfil the Irish Language Requirement condition on...

Latest developments – proposed in-school support for children with significant additional needs
Following the strong reaction from most stakeholders, including school managerial authorities and education unions against the government's rushed decision t...

Update on engagement with department officials – reopening of schools
Over the last number of days, engagement between the INTO, education stakeholders and officials from the Department of Education and NPHET has intensified. W...

Reminder – Re-vetting Process
A reminder that when contacted by the Teaching Council, members are strongly advised to complete the re-vetting process promptly so that registration with th...

Update on Droichead during current school closure
The INTO has clarified with the Teaching Council that, with the agreement of the school/PST, Droichead can continue for NQTs who are supporting the continuit...

Remote Learning, Childcare, School Meals and Substitution
The Department of Education has written to schools to inform them that all mainstream teachers and special education teachers are required to continue to s...