Planned reopening of special schools and classes deferred
This evening, the Minister for Education confirmed that special schools and classes will now not reopen on Monday, 11 January 2021...

Following NPHET meeting, INTO writes to Ministers Foley and Madigan
First of all I wish to remind you that the INTO was very much to the fore throughout the first lockdown working very constructively and creatively with your Department as we strived to ensure that our most vulnerable pupils received school meals...

Rushed and reckless decision on reopening special educational settings risks undermining public health objectives
After two days of increasing speculation, the government has today announced the closure of the majority of primary schools until 1 February 2021. For the se...

INTO Teachers’ AVC Plan – annual trustee report available
The INTO has recently received from Irish Life (as plan Trustees) the Trustees’ Annual Report and Financial Statements (for year ended 31 March 2020) of th...

Member update – OLCS and new Covid leave categories
INTO has been advised that schools do not have to adjust their school calendar to make up these days. Schools are not expected to support children’s learning between 6 and 8 January 2021...

INTO meeting with Minister Foley – update for members
INTO and fellow primary education stakeholders attended a meeting with Minister Foley and her officials this afternoon....

Member update – leave, substitution and delayed reopening
Following the government's announcement to extend the school Christmas break by three days, INTO has received confirmation from DE that there is no requirement on schools to provide remote learning during this period and substitutes will be paid for these days.

INTO seeks delayed reopening of primary and special schools
INTO General Secretary John Boyle has this evening written to Minister Foley setting out the need to delay the reopening of primary and special schools.

Member update – latest developments
INTO’s engagement with Department of Education officials, public health representatives and other education stakeholders continued throughout December.