Pension scheme recognises same-sex marriages
Circular 18/2020 provides for access to pension benefit in respect of same-sex couples where the scheme member was unable to enter a marriage or civil partnership prior to reaching a certain age or date of retirement.

INTO Deputy General Secretary/General Treasurer election – important information for INTO Staff Representatives
Voting in the election of Deputy General Secretary/General Treasurer is currently underway. Staff representatives play a key role in the balloting process. INTO has compiled a handy guide to help support Staff Reps.

Survey highlights teachers’ health & safety concerns after reopening of schools in September
A survey commissioned by the INTO’s Central Executive Committee (CEC) was conducted in early October to assess the feelings of members one month after the reopening of schools.

Circular issued: Supplementary Panel applications open & INTO panel webinar
INTO is hosting a Supplementary Panel webinar on Tuesday, 1 December from 4-5pm. Members are invited to register now.

INTO, ASTI and TUI working together to end pay inequality
The three teacher unions have been liaising closely in advance of any public sector pay talks, with a view to progressing our shared campaign for pay equality in the teaching profession.

Unions accept invitation to formal talks on public service pay agreement
The Public Services Committee of ICTU has received an invitation from the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD to formal talks on a possible successor to the current public service pay deal, the Public Service Stability Agreement (PSSA).

Register for INTO Retirement Planning webinar
Register now for the INTO Retirement Planning webinar on Saturday, 28 November. This webinar will be delivered by our team of experts and is specifically tailored for primary teachers who are contemplating retirement.

INTO curriculum consultation online focus group
As part of our ongoing Curriculum Consultation, the INTO has organised a focus group discussion to allow members share their responses to the Draft Primary Curriculum Framework. This focus group will be hosted online on Wednesday, 25 November from 7–8:30pm.

Covid-19 – key updates for members
Over the course of the last week, on your behalf, INTO has again met with the Department of Education and NPHET. INTO also provided evidence to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Education, Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.