INTO seeks immediate assurances on the safety of our schools
Over the last number of weeks, as significant changes to the public health landscape have taken place, INTO is growing increasingly concerned that public health precautions for teachers are inadequate.

INTO members rally together for budget gains
Alongside a robust online lobby, members supported a strong digital advocacy campaign, which saw a whopping 20,000 emails generated to public representatives.

INTO calls for all DEIS schools to be included in class size reduction
INTO notes the totally inadequate decision of the department to extend the planned class size reductions to DEIS band one senior schools only, ignoring DEIS band one junior and vertical schools.

Register today for the INTO Wellness Webinar
To support our members, we have teamed up with Cornmarket to bring you a Return to Work Wellness Webinar ahead of the upcoming mid-term break...

Breast Cancer Awareness campaign moves online
Breast Cancer Ireland is providing a free 30-minute breast health presentation for all school staff. Book yours today...

INTO acknowledges class size cuts are good news for primary
The budget has provided for a reduction in the staffing schedule by one point to 25:1 in primary schools, by providing more than 300 new teaching posts...

Last chance to add your voice to our Budget 2021 campaign
Add your voice to our Budget 2021 campaign by emailing your local TD and Senator today and share with peers in your community.

Wellbeing live events planned by Spectrum.Life
Spectrum.Life, the current Employee Assistance Service provider, will run a series of weekly Wellbeing Live Events for school staff.

Covid-19 – latest updates
The INTO meets with the education stakeholders and the Department of Education on a regular basis to raise the concerns of members and secure additional clarity and resources as required. A brief update on key issues is provided below.