INTO launches TeacherConnect substitute service
TeacherConnect is a brand-new member service which offers an enhanced service to members available for substitute work and to schools seeking to fill a substitute position.

Clarification secured for members with underlying medical conditions – Medmark
INTO sought a government intervention so that members can appeal their Medmark decisions in a timely manner and have the opinion of their treating doctors taken fully into account. On foot of representations, INTO has secured additional clarification on this matter.

Procedures to be followed for suspected/confirmed COVID-19 cases in primary schools
The INTO has sought clarity, provided today by the Department of Education, on procedures to be followed for suspected/confirmed COVID-19 cases in primary or special schools.

Clarification on outstanding issues
The INTO has been seeking clarification on a number of outstanding issues which we have raised with the Department of Education since the Roadmap For The Full Reopening of Primary and Special Schools was published a month ago. The department has clarified some matters.

INTO slams Medmark treatment of medically vulnerable members and calls for an urgent review of face coverings for pupils
INTO has noted that the World Health Organisation is now recommending that children aged six and older wear face masks and, in that context, calls on government to urgently review the HPSC guidance in relation to children wearing face coverings in certain circumstances.

INTO Queryline requests email queries where possible
The INTO Queryline welcomes queries from members but is currently experiencing an unprecedented level of demand. We are anxious to assist members at this exceptional time and we have put additional resources, including staffing, in place to support this service...

INTO launches TeacherConnect substitute service
TeacherConnect is a brand-new member service which offers an enhanced service to members available for substitute work and to schools seeking to fill a substitute position.

Reopening schools – updated FAQs for members
INTO has reviewed all guidance issued by the Department of Education over the summer with respect to the reopening of our schools. We are now pleased to advise members that we have published a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions for members on our COVID-19 Support Hub.

High volume of queries
The INTO query system has experienced a very high volume of queries this week, and as such there are delays in responding to members. We appreciate that members have multiple queries about returning to school and we are working to assist members in this regard.