
New Vacancy – Official (Communications Team)


INTO’s communications team ensures members and employees are kept up to date with union developments, promotes the voice of the membership externally and delivers high-profile campaigns, publications and events...

INTO secures clarity on staff training and public health advice for summer provision 


INTO welcomes the provision of this additional advice from public health experts, discussed in detail with INTO representatives at a meeting in DES early yesterday morning...

INTO advice on wellbeing and staying well


Stress and anxiety come hand in hand with change and uncertainty. Here are some resources we have gathered to promote and nurture wellbeing...

Guidance on recording additional principal release days – OLCS


INTO has been made aware that the OLCS is currently not equipped to record the additional principal release days set out in Circular 20/2019. Schools are advised to follow this DES guidance...

Further guidance published on July Provision


Throughout the current crisis, the INTO have set out the need for all decisions to be based on public health advice and open engagement with stakeholders...

Update on notification of CID application decisions


The DES has informed INTO that almost all notifications regarding applications for CIDs have been issued to schools at this stage and only a very small number remain...

DES issues latest panel update


The Department of Education and Skills has issued an update on the main panel. There are currently 31 teachers awaiting redeployment...

No new SSE requirements for next school year


The Department of Education and Skills has issued Circular 40/2020 in relation school evaluations for 2020/21. 

Bloomsday 2020


Bloomsday celebrates Thursday 16 June 1904, the day depicted in James Joyce’s novel Ulysses. This year’s festival has been impacted by Covid-19 restrictions but there are so many creative and imaginative ways to celebrate this occasion...