
Guidelines on limited access to schools published


The Department of Education and Skills has this evening published guidelines for schools in respect of access to school buildings in limited circumstances from Monday, May 18...

NCSE confirms SNA applications can be submitted without documentation


INTO has requested that the NCSE provide an extension to the deadline of May 22 for the submission of exceptional review requests for additional SNAs for the coming school year...

INTO awaiting clarification on school access


Following publication of the government’s roadmap for reopening society and business, key questions on when and how school staff will have access to their school buildings remain unanswered...

INTO begins formal engagement on schools reopening


Over the last number of weeks, INTO consulted elected branch and district officers, as well as national committee members to identify the key issues which must be considered in detail before our schools can reopen...

‘Different Families, Same Love’ competition back with revised format


The INTO LGBT+ Teachers’ Group has recently announced a revised format of the Different Families, Same Love competition to accommodate those learning from home...

INTO secures early payment of DEIS grants 


The Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh TD has announced the early payment of the €16 million DEIS grant for the 2020/21 school year...

INTO moves to postpone forthcoming meetings and events


In light of new advice from the government, that the current COVID-19 restrictions will continue, INTO has made the decision to postpone a number of scheduled events due to take place in the coming month...

British and Irish teacher trade unions warn against premature reopening of schools


The General Secretaries of 10 teacher trade unions across the UK and Ireland have written to the Education Ministers in all 5 jurisdictions urging “significant caution in any consideration of reopening schools...

Circular confirms continuation of increment skips for teachers on post-2010 pay scale  


The Department of Education and Skills (DES) has published Circular 0033/2020 which confirms the continuation of increment skips negotiated by the INTO under the Public Service Stability Agreement...