Teacher fee refund scheme 2019
The closing date for receipt of applications is Tuesday, 31 March 2020...

Application deadline approaches for career break and job share
Members should submit their applications by 1 February...

Health insurance comparison service for INTO members
Cornmarket is offering a Health Insurance Comparison Service again this year to all INTO members.

Survey on supporting pupils with special needs closes tomorrow
INTO encourages members to engage with The National Council for Special Education's (NCSE) online survey ahead of tomorrow afternoon’s deadline...

Two fixed-term positions as paid interns – school year 2020/2021
The INTO invites applications for two positions as paid interns in INTO head office in Dublin...

INTO launch #WhereFuturesStart election campaign
We are asking candidates to pledge to reduce class sizes by one pupil per class per year for the next five years...

School secretaries return to WRC
The School Secretaries branch of Fórsa trade union has accepted an invitation to return to talks at the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) about the ongoing dispute...
INTO Teachers’ AVC Plan – annual trustee report available
INTO has recently received from Irish Life (as plan Trustees) the Trustees’ Annual Report (for year ended 31 March 2019) of the INTO AVC plan...

Election 2020 underway
INTO will be a loud voice for primary education during the election. Next week we will be rolling out our national campaign and asking every member and parent to pick up the gauntlet...