
Unions call for menstrual and menopause supports


Ireland's largest trade unions have called for employers and the Government to implement mandatory workplace menstrual and menopausal policies, following the launch of the 'Stop the Stigma' position paper.

School communities in Gaza must be protected


Children and families in Gaza have practically run out of food, water, electricity, medicine, and safe access to hospitals following recent hostilities. The INTO joins Education International and the Irish government in calling for restraint.

Pay increases being received today


Pay increases under Review of Building Momentum are being received by members in salary issued today, including a 1.5% increase or €750, whichever is greater, to all scale points and a 1.5% increase to all allowances including qualification and promoted posts.

INTO welcomes further detail and some gains in Education Budget 2024


The Minister for Education released further details of the education budget this afternoon (Wednesday, 11 October). The document gives additional detail on the headline measures announced yesterday.

Tax cuts benefit stretched households while primary and special education remain under strain


The INTO acknowledges that a number of measures announced in Budget 2024 will benefit workers and households across the country.

Budget 2024 misses open goal on class size and school supports 


Many primary classes are overcrowded, our schools are under-funded, our school leaders are under-supported and mental health services for pupils are under-resourced.

Look back at Principals’ and Deputy Principals’ Conference 2023


The 2023 INTO Principals’ and Deputy Principals’ Conference brought together around 300 delegates and guests in Clayton White's Hotel, Wexford, last weekend.

Two Official vacancies in INTO Head Office


Applications are invited for two permanent Official positions in the Legal, Industrial Relations and Equality Section of INTO Head Office.

Free Mortgage and Tax Advisory Seminars


INTO members and their families are invited to attend free mortgage and tax advisory seminars, taking place in Tullamore and Monaghan.