Tune in to the 2019 Education Conference webcast
Take a front row seat at the 2019 Education Conference in Kilkenny.

Job Vacancies in INTO Head Office, Dublin
A number of job vacancies have arisen in INTO Head Office, Dublin. These are for the positions of:Director of operations and finance (assistant general secre...

INTO welcomes earlier announcement of minor works grant
The INTO welcomes Minister McHugh’s announcement today that the payment of minor works grants will be made in December this year. The INTO calls for the in...

Employment Tribunal Victory for INTO Members
The Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) has issued determinations in nine appeals brought by INTO members in relation to...

INTO President joined Palestine delegation
INTO President Feargal Brougham visited Palestine as part of a Trade Union Friends of Palestine delegation. He shares his experience of the visit...

Bonn Vere Foster Award 2019 – Mary Immaculate
The INTO Congress of 1956, held in Belfast decided to organise a suitable memorial as a tribute to the memory of Vere Foster. The memorial takes the form of a Vere Foster medal...

Mortgage and Tax Advisory Seminars
ITAS Accounting and EDUC Mortgages are delivering a number of advisory seminars for INTO members and their families. Seminars will take place...

Education report highlights budget failure
Today’s report shows that Irish primary schools remain crowded, four above the EU average. Smaller classes support inclusion and diversity of children, allow for more individual attention and meet the ambition...

Update on RSE Review
Following a request from the Minister of Education, the NCCA undertook a comprehensive review of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in primary and post-primary schools. This review commenced in...