Education Conference 2019 – The review of the primary curriculum
The INTO Consultative Conference on Education will take place in the Newpark Hotel, Kilkenny on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th November...

Lookback – Principals’ and Deputy Principals’ Conference 2019
The 2019 INTO Principals’ and Deputy Principals’ Conference brought together more than 300 delegates in Tullamore last weekend...

Wednesday deadline for Primary Staffing Appeals Board
The closing date for submission of appeals is Wednesday, 9 October 2019. Appeals must be submitted to Primary Allocations Section...

Tune in to the INTO PDP conference webcast
Watch the conference webcast live from Tullamore...

Pilot supply panel launched
The Department of Education and Skills has announced the launch of a pilot scheme which will establish supply panels based in six identified schools across the country...

Seoladh SEALBHÚ, lárionad taighde nua DCU um teagasc agus foghlaim na Gaeilge.
Sheol Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath ionad taighde nua a bhfuil sé mar aidhm aige feabhas a chinntiú i dTeagasc agus i bhFoghlaim na Gaeilge...

Free mortgage and tax advisory seminars
Register now for a free mortgage and tax advisory seminar near you.

Election of new Boards of Management of Primary Schools
The Department has this afternoon updated the Governance Manual for Primary Schools 2015-2019. The updated provisions govern the composition, appointment, and functioning of Boards of Management...

PE trí Ghaeilge?
Tá tionscadal nua fógraithe ag an Aire Oideachais chun scoileanna a spreagadh ábhair den churaclam a mhúineadh trí mheán na Gaeilge i scoileanna a mhúineann trí mheán Bhéarla de ghnáth...