
Primary Staffing Appeals Board – Closing date looms


The closing date for submission of appeals to the Primary Staffing Appeals Board is Wednesday 9th October 2019...

INTO supports school secretaries rallies this weekend in Athlone, Donegal and Dublin


School secretaries will stage a rally at education minister Joe McHugh’s office in Letterkenny, county Donegal, at 1pm this Saturday (7th September)...

INTO reacts to today’s Inclusion Ireland report


Primary schools have always been open and inclusive places for special needs students. Today’s report published by Inclusion Ireland does not reflect the s...

INTO principals’ seminars open for registration


Registration now open for seminars in Roscommon, Donegal and Meath.

New circular: Antenatal classes, parental leave and pre-employment medical assessments


The Department for Education and Skills has published a new circular, DES Circular 54/2019, which replaces the web book Terms & Conditions of Employment for ...

INTO retirement seminars open for registration


Retirement brings change. Taking the time to consider the changes and how to handle them will help you plan and take control of your future.

250 AP2 posts retained


The Department of Education and Skills has issued Circular 0044/2019, which revises the recruitment and promotion procedures for teachers, promoted post holders and principal/deputy principal posts.

Register now to access member-only content and be in with a chance to win €250 voucher


All members will have to register using a bespoke link sent via email in order to view member-only content. On 2 September, the INTO sent an email to all mem...

Trialacha Gaeilge do Bhunscoileanna


Tá an Foras Taighde ar Oideachas (FTO) ag bunú painéil de ghairmithe oideachais chun comhairle a thabhairt do maidir le  trialacha don Ghaeilge ag leibh...