New Circular – Irish Exemptions
The Department of Education and Skills (DES) has today issued a revised Circular on exemptions from Irish – Circular 0052/2019, replacing Circular 12/96.Th...

Primary teachers losing patience as exploratory talks on pay review plans linger
INTO’s Central Executive Committee (CEC) warned that the delay was undermining confidence in a negotiated resolution to remaining inequalities.

Salary Revisions from 1 September under PSSA
DES Circular 41/2019 details revised salaries, with effect from 1 September 2019, negotiated under the PSSA; this second last phase of the Agreement uplifts salaries by 1.75%.

Confined Category of Membership Re-Applicants Affected by IT System Issue
INTO head office is aware of a “Join Online” issue which is affecting a small number of teachers seeking to re-join INTO.

#MySchool Competition – what makes your school special?
This September the #MySchool competition will celebrate Irish schools by highlighting what makes them special, great and unique.
Queryline Team Currently Working Through a High Volume of Calls & Emails
The Queryline is currently experiencing a high volume of calls. Your patience is appreciated as we deal with queries in rotation.
INTO Responds to Changes to the Recruitment and Promotion Procedures in Schools
The INTO welcomes an adjustment to the schedule for appointment of Assistant Principal II posts and the circular also revises the criteria for appointment to principal and deputy principal posts.
Good Luck to Leaving Cert Students
INTO would like to wish all students receiving their results today the very best of luck.
INTO Members’ Support Acknowledged by Children’s Medical & Research Fund (CMRF)
Thank you again to every INTO member who participated in the fundraising draw. The thank you letter can be read here.