
Education Budget 2020 – INTO Lobby Begins


INTO has started work towards lobbying on education issues for Budget 2020

INTO Members’ and Staff Representatives Draw 2019


Tickets for the INTO members’ draw will arrive in your schools this week.

Call to ‘show and tell’ our diversity in primary classrooms


LGBT+ Teachers' Group roll out all-island competition focused on LGBT+ inclusion in schools.The INTO LGBT+ Teachers’ Group announce the return of the ‘Di...

Vere Foster – Anniversary of Birth of INTO’s Founding President


Today (26 April 2019) is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Vere Foster (1819 – 1900).Vere Foster was INTO’s first President; our offices in both Dubl...

INTO Elects a new President


Feargal Brougham: New president of the INTOThe new president of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation is Feargal Brougham, principal teacher in St Paul...

INTO Elects a new Vice President


Mary Magner: New vice president of the INTOThe new vice president of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation is Mary Magner, a native of Castletownroche ...

Teachers demand guidelines on re-organisation and divestment of schools


Teachers want clear and consistent guidance and templates from the Department of Education and Skills on school reorganisation and divestment.At the INTO Con...

INTO calls for protections for small schools and their teachers


At the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation’s Annual Congress, there have been calls for the country’s smallest schools and their core staffing to be ...

INTO slams lack of progress on educational disadvantage


The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation has heavily criticised the Department of Education and Skills’ lack of progress in supporting pupils in disadva...