Retirement Planning Seminars
Our 6th and final Retirement Planning Seminar of the 2018/19 school year taking place on 10/11 May is now fully booked.We are currently in the process of boo...
INTO Extends Sympathies to Cookstown Families and Members
INTO would like to extend our sincere sympathies to the families of Morgan Barnard, Lauren Bullock and Connor Currie.INTO will be attending the Cookstown fun...
Minister McHugh commits to resolving pay inequality for teachers at International Summit
The 2019 International Summit on the Teaching Profession brings together ministers and teacher union leaders from countries and regions with high-performing ...

International Women’s Day 2019
This year on International Women’s Day we are championing Catherine Mahon
Union Executive Calls for Urgent Movement on Public Sector Agreement
Meeting in Cork City today, the Central Executive Committee of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation discussed the union’s ongoing negotiations with ...
Circular Issues Outlining Increment Skips for Post-2010 Entrants
post-2010 entrants to teaching will see the implementation of faster scale progress reflected in their pay
Speech by INTO General Secretary Designate John Boyle
INTO Northern Conference (Belfast, 1 March 2019).
INTO General Secretary Designate John Boyle begins his first day in office
John Boyle has been elected to succeed Sheila Nunan as General Secretary in late 2018, assuming the role of INTO General Secretary Designate.
Increment skips from 1 March for post-2010 entrants to teaching
It has been confirmed to INTO that a Circular is being finalised to apply the increment skip provisions for post-2010 entrants