The INTO communications team produce regular e-newsletters for INTO officers and members, which you might want to avail of.
Officers e-newsletter
Every Monday during the school term, the team produces an officers bulletin. This email includes important information related to the role of branch and district officers and key updates from the INTO to support members in these activist roles. Are you an officer? Make sure you are receiving this important weekly email.
All member e-newsletter
Every Tuesday during the school term, the team produces an all-member email blast. This pulls together all the latest news from the INTO to ensure members always know what their union is up to. Make sure you don’t miss crucial updates and subscribe today.
Periodic e-newsletters
The comms team produces a daily media digest and weekly Oireachtas Digest. If you are interested in receiving any of these emails, contact us to be added to the distribution lists.
To subscribe to the newsletter simply follow the steps found here.
For queries in relation to e-newsletters please email