GTCNI Election 2019: Vote For INTO Candidates

Vote for INTO Candidates in the General Teaching Council for
Northern Ireland Elections

INTO is asking members to vote for union supported candidates in the current elections for the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland. Ballots must be returned by the 11 October 2019.

GTCNI Election 2019: Election Poster (PDF)

Post Primary Sector

Seán Kelly

I have been teaching for thirteen years in the post primary sector. I am a school representative, health and safety representative, Branch Secretary and I sit on the standing orders committee of INTO District 1.

It is imperative that the perspective of teachers is heard within the GTCNI and I wish to ensure that the classroom teacher has got a voice in development of the teacher competences.

Entrants to the profession must have their qualifications verified and approved by GTCNI prior to being admitted to the register, I aim to work together with the other council members in this endeavour.

Siobhan McElhinney

I have been teaching for twenty-four years and during all of those have been an active member of the INTO. Starting as a school rep and now carrying the roles of South Derry branch secretary and Northern Committee representative for the North Eastern Area. I believe passionately about the rights of members and equality for all within the school setting.

Primary Sector

Lisa Magennis

I have been a primary school teacher for twenty years.  In this time, I have seen many changes to our profession; the ever-increasing workload, the revised curriculum, increasing class sizes, a lack of funding, the bombardment of new initiatives, societal changes, the reduction in SEN provision and the many policy updates and amendments.  I am acutely aware of the daily challenges faced by teachers and have worked tirelessly over the last four years as an INTO School Representative, supporting my colleagues.  In 2018 I was elected on to the national Education Committee and have gained invaluable insight and experience as District 1 Representative.  I believe we need INTO primary teachers on the GTCNI, directly involved in policy change, protecting our professionalism and making our voice heard.

Philomena Rice

I’ve been a member of INTO for over 20 years and have called on them for advice and support on numerous occasions. I’ve been a rep for just a year now and have attended lots of training and info sessions. I’m actively involved in my local ‘Down Branch’ and hope to represent the INTO as a member of the GTCNI nominees.

Ciara Duffy

I have been a primary school teacher for the last eighteen years. I am currently a primary 3 teacher in St Dallan’s PS Warrenpoint. Throughout my teaching career, I have taught classes across both Key Stage 1 and 2. I have been the elected INTO representative in St Dallan’s for the last 3 years, more recently being elected as vice chair of INTO Newry branch. Through my own personal teaching experience and my involvement with INTO I am very aware of the great challenges facing all teachers in primary education today which I feel I can help address if elected.

Special Education Sector

Julian Morgan

I have been teaching for twenty-five years. I am passionate about the right of every child to receive the education appropriate to their needs and have spent the past fifteen years teaching in the Special Education sector.

During this time, I have held various posts of responsibility.  I have been a school INTO union representative for over a decade supporting my fellow teachers in a variety of situations, from staff restructuring to grievance procedures.

My experience to date has equipped me with a real insight, understanding and appreciation of both the challenges and rewards for teachers working in Special Education Schools. If elected, my commitment is to represent the true voice of teachers in Special Education.

Primary Principal

James Hunt

James Hunt is a proud INTO member and has been a teaching principal for the past 23 years. He is acutely aware of the challenges our dedicated, highly qualified members face and is committed to working tirelessly to help restore teaching to the profession it used to be and the potential it still has to be. He wishes to give all primary school principals a voice at the GTCNI and work towards restoring funding for schools to levels which are required.