INTO condemns lack of action on school closures

An emergency meeting of the Northern Ireland Committee was convened on the evening of Monday, 16th of March. The meeting considered the failure by the Executive and the Minister of Education to address the serious and legitimate concerns of INTO members. These concerns centre on ensuring the safety of our members and their pupils which INTO believe can be best addressed by closing the schools.

INTO’s leadership have been in contact with the Irish government seeking an all-island approach to this public health crisis, with representations made to members participating in the North-South Ministerial Forum. Lobbying is ongoing across all political parties in the north and wider civic society in pursuit of this objective. 

Unions and education authorities meet

A meeting, sought by INTO, was also convened between unions and education authorities on the afternoon of March 16th, to challenge the advice and guidance being issued to schools. INTO:

  • Offered detailed amendments on the Ministerial advice issued earlier on Monday, March 16th and was instrumental in securing a second meeting for Thursday, March 19th to further contribute to the production of practical advice.
  • Demanded that all further advice issued be regular, provided earlier in the week and timed appropriately.
  • Highlighted the lack of guidance issued to date.

At the meeting scheduled for March 19th INTO, with the support of our Northern Ireland Teaching Council, and non-teaching unions colleagues will again be leading the demand that schools be closed forthwith.  

Northern Ireland Teaching Council challenge government policy 

All education unions represented at the Northern Ireland Teaching Council have written to the Joint First Ministers and the Minister for Education, on March 17th, seeking an end to uncertainty and asking him to announce a date for school closures. It remains the position of this union and that of all the education trade unions that schools need to be closed in both in the public interest and for the safety of our members and the pupils. 

Keeping members informed

Throughout this unfolding crisis, INTO will ensure our members are kept informed in a timely manner with key developments, advice and engagement undertaken on your behalf.