Pay Offer from DE

On Wednesday 10 February 2021, Management Side informed the Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council that they were making an unconditional pay offer to teachers with regard to the years 2019/20 and 2020/21.

It was explicit in the communication that the offer was to remain confidential until such time that an agreed statement could be prepared and released simultaneously by Teachers’ and Management Sides, it is unfortunate, therefore, that one party chose to make public the offer.

INTO is therefore now informing our members of the offer that has been received.

The pay offer is an uplift in pay for teachers of 2% for 2019/20, which will be back dated to 1st September 2019, and a further uplift of 2% for 2020/21, backdated to 1st September 2020. The uplift applies to all points on the scale and management allowances.

This pay offer will be subject to agreement by the Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council.