24th June 2022
Eligible teachers, on point 6 of the Main Pay Scale, who wish to seek progression to the Upper Pay Scale, must apply for assessment against the Northern Ireland Threshold Standards, which remain unchanged. Decisions to move teachers to point 1 of the Upper Pay Scale from 1 September 2022 will continue to be based on the professional judgment of the Principal. There will be no external assessment.
Verification of evidence will continue to be required for all applicants, however, taking into account the content of TNC letter issued to all schools onĀ 14th January 2022, please note that a teacher will not be required to submit a PRSD Review Statement as evidence for pay progression effective 1 September 2022.
UPS Pay Progression:
Teachers are eligible to be considered for progression up the Upper Pay Scale every two years until they reach the maximum of the scale (point 3). Therefore, teachers who were placed on UPS1 on or before 1 September 2020 are eligible to be considered for progression to UPS2 from 1 September 2022. Similarly, teachers placed on UPS2 on or before 1 September 2020 are eligible to be considered for progression to UPS3 from 1 September 2022.
Taking into account the content of TNC letter issued to all schools on 14th January 2022, please note that a teacher will not be required to submit a successful PRSD Review Statement as evidence for
pay progression effective 1 September 2022.
Further information and useful documentation can be accessed below:
(Member login required – please contact infoni@into.ie with your name and Teacher Reference Number if you experience problems with your login)