Teacher unions unite for a full-day strike

The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) and four other teacher unions – NAHT, NASUWT, NEU and UTU have announced a full-day strike on Wednesday, 26 April 2023.

The announcement coincides with an escalation of Action Short of Strike which commences today.

Following today’s decision, INTO Northern Secretary Mark McTaggart said:

Today marks a momentous day for teachers and school leaders in Northern Ireland. All five members of the NITC will unite for a day of action – a last resort to demand an annual cost of living increase from the Department of Education and the Northern Ireland Office. No teacher wants to take this step, but it’s necessary when reasonable demands are ignored.”

“Employers and the Department of Education seem to have conveniently forgotten that it was teachers who risked their lives and those of their families to keep the education system running during the pandemic.”

“Teacher’s pay has dropped by a staggering 25% in the past decade, causing recruitment and retention issues, resulting in a continued shortage of teachers. It’s time to take action and demand a fair pay settlement for those responsible for providing the best education for children and young people.”

“Teachers and school leaders have already demonstrated their capacity to fight for a salary that properly reflects their true value to society, and which allows them to feel valued and respected by those in power. It is imperative that we continue this fight, failure to do so has the potential to have a devastating effect on the life chances of the children and young people in their care.”