Child Protection & Safeguarding
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Administration of Medicine
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Support for Teachers
Support for New Teachers Support for Supply Teachers...
Procedures & Policies
This section contains agreed procedures and policies including Discipline, Grievance, Handling Parental Complaints and Attendance etc. Bullying & Harassment Disciplinary Grievance Parental Complaints Pupil Behaviour and School Discipline Supporting Effective...
Wellbeing, Health & Safety
Information on teacher wellbeing and health and safety including bullying and harassment, assaults on teachers, teacher stress and educational visits. Teacher Health & Safety Teacher Health & Wellbeing Health &...
Rights & Conditions
Advice and guidance on your rights at work and conditions of employment including leave of absence, redundancy, workload and data protection. Classroom Observation Criminal Convictions Absences from school Data Protection...
Pay & Pensions
Advice and information on teachers’ pay scales, pay progression, leadership group pay and allowances, on planning your retirement, pension benefits, changes to the NITPS, your state pension and how to...
Changes to NITPS from 1 April 2015
From 1 April 2015 the NITPS changed from a final salary scheme to a Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) Scheme, and the way your pension benefits are calculated may have...
Your State Pension
The Basic (Old) State Pension is a regular payment from the government that you can get if you reached State Pension age BEFORE 6 April 2016. To keep reading, please...
Support for New Teachers
A very warm welcome to all Newly Qualified Teachers. To keep reading, please join us or log in....
Health & Safety in Schools
Information on health and safety in schools including dealing with asbestos, heating standards and carrying out risk assessments. Class Sizes in Practical Subjects Latest Guidance on COVID-19 Asbestos at Work...
Teacher Attendance Procedure
This policy includes advice on the monitoring of teacher absence reported as sickness absence. It does not apply to other authorised absences e.g. holidays, jury service, ante-natal care or maternity...
Supporting Effective Teaching in Schools
This Procedure is designed to ensure a consistent approach in instances where the work or aspects of the work, of a teacher is giving cause for concern and to ensure...
Supporting Effective Leadership in Schools
This Procedure is designed to ensure a consistent approach in instances where the work or aspects of the work, of a Principal is giving cause for concern and to ensure...
Pupil Behaviour and School Discipline
Watch the Joint Union Webinar: Wednesday 22 March 2023: Dealing With Difficult Pupil Situations Webinar Recording (YouTube) Webinar PowerPoint (pdf) To keep reading, please join us or log in....
Parental Complaints
Schools are committed to working with parents in the best interests of their childrens’ education. The purpose of the Complaints Procedure is to address complaints raised by parents/guardians. To keep...
The purpose of this procedure is to set out clearly the process, including time limits, which should be followed where a teacher raises a matter of grievance. It should not...
This procedure is concerned with supporting high standards of conduct and discipline in the teaching profession. It has been drawn up to provide a fair and consistent way of dealing...
Bullying & Harassment
This Policy and Procedure sets out the process for a teacher to pursue a legitimate claim of bullying and/or harassment by another member of staff (teaching or support staff) within...
Educational Visits
This information is designed to offer advice and guidance to INTO members on the range of professional and other issues that can arise in the planning and delivery of educational...