Latest News
Members Please note A brown envelope into which to place your completed ballot paper has not been issued by the scrutineers. Members are advised to complete your ballot with an X as required and return...
Member Update – INTO Ballot on Strike Action
The INTO is strongly recommending that you vote ‘YES’ to both questions on the ballot you will shortly receive. At a meeting of the Northern Committee of INTO on Friday 8th November 2024, it was unanimously...
Member Update – Ballot For Industrial Action on Pay
At a meeting of the Northern Committee of INTO on Friday 8th November 2024, it was unanimously decided by the Committee, that talking to the employers and Department of Education (DE) is not working when...
Upcoming Events
Derry City Branch AGM
08 Jan5pm, City Hotel, Derry. Derry City Branch. -
Webinar for all Members: Redundancies***POSTPONED***
14 Jan4pm, Online. INTO Northern Office. -
North Armagh Branch AGM
16 Jan4:15pm, Ashburn Hotel. North Armagh Branch.
What We Do
We provide protection, benefits and support for teachers. The INTO represent over 43,000 teachers at primary level in the Republic of Ireland and over 7,000 teachers at primary and post-primary level in Northern Ireland.
We are Stronger Together
Let your voice be heard where it matters and help improve teaching conditions and education standards.