
Applications open for INTO Northern Secretary position


Applications are invited for the post of INTO Northern Secretary, based in Belfast. The successful candidate will have the leadership skills to advance the objectives of the INTO in Northern Ireland.

Northern Office: Christmas Closure


INTO Northern Office will close for Christmas and the New Year on Thursday 22 December 2022 and reopen at 9.00am on Tuesday 3 January 2023. During the office closure members may find information on the INTO website or can get in touch again from 9.00am on Tuesday 3 January by phone, email or through the query portal … Continued

TUFP launches pilot project with Palestinian schools


A pilot school twinning project involving Irish and Palestinian primary schools has been launched by the Trade Union Friends of Palestine network, which includes the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation.

INTO Northern Secretary appointed to key ICTU role 


The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation congratulates INTO Northern Secretary Gerry Murphy on his appointment as Assistant General Secretary of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. 

Applications open for INTO Northern Secretary position


Applications are invited for the post of INTO Northern Secretary, based in Belfast. The successful candidate will have the leadership skills to advance the objectives of the INTO in Northern Ireland.

Industrial Action: Phase 3 from 8am Wednesday 4 January 2023


In addition to the continuous Phase One and Phase Two Action Short of Strike begun on 17 October 2022 and 1 November 2022, from Wednesday 4 January 2023, members are now instructed to undertake the following, additional, continuous Phase Three action.

INTO Training For All Members: Term 2


INTO continue to work in partnership with NEU and UTU to deliver training for all members, School Representatives and Health and Safety Representatives. All courses are free for INTO members.

Irish National Teachers' Organisation

INTO Reaction to Tragic Strep A Related Death


Read the INTO Press Release here.

InTouch Magazine


The latest edition of InTouch will be issued by post this week. Members should be aware that the current Royal Mail disruption may lead to delays in delivery, in the meantime a digital version is available online HERE.