
COVID-19 FAQs Updated


Section 1: COVID Health Advice and Section 2: In School FAQs have been updated.

DE Response to NITC Mitigations Proposals


Department of Education Director of Workforce, Mark Bailey has responded to the NITC’s mitigations paper

INTO Learning Webinar: Reproductive Health, Infertility and Pregnancy Loss


The second webinar being offered in the INTO Health Series will be on Reproductive Health, Infertility and Pregnancy Loss and will take place on Thursday 20 January 2022 at 4.00pm.

NITC Press Release


Read the NITC press release: NITC Mitigation Proposals

Updated EA Risk Assessment Templates


Access the latest EA Risk Assessment Templates here.

COVID-19 FAQs Updated


Section 1: COVID Health Advice and Section 6: Substitute Teachers have been updated.

Northern Conference Needs You!


If you want to shape INTO policy and set our programme of work for the next 12 months, come along to your online Branch AGM in January to find out how you can be nominated as a delegate to Northern Conference.

INTO Meetings Online Until Further Notice


At their meeting on Thursday 6 January 2022, the INTO Central Executive Committee took the decision that all INTO meetings/events are to be held online rather than face-to-face until otherwise directed.

COVID-19 FAQs Updated


Section 1: COVID Health Advice FAQs have been updated with the latest advice re: close contacts and ending isolation early.