
Bulletin 3: Latest Update


Senior INTO Officials, including the Northern Chairperson, along with trade union colleagues from across the education workforce met with Department of Education and employer representatives on December 31st.

Joint Union Leadership Seminar: Save the Date


On 26th January 2022 (COVID restrictions permitting), INTO (along with partner unions NEU and UTU) will host our annual School Leaders Seminar at the Glenavon Hotel, Cookstown.

INTO Christmas Message


A message to our members from Marie O'Shea, Chairperson and Gerry Murphy, Northern Secretary

Substitute Teacher Survey


A voluntary survey of Substitute Teachers throughout Northern Ireland is going live today. INTO urges all substitute teachers registered with NISTR to participate.

INTO Art Competition 2022


The INTO Art Competition is open to all active members in the north. We hope, following on from the scale and diversity of 2021’s competition that this year, members will have been inspired to enter for the first time.

INTO Youth Conference 2022: Save the Date


Calling all INTO members aged 35 years and under. The INTO Youth Committee invite you to this year’s INTO Youth Conference to be held from 5pm on Friday 4th until lunchtime on Saturday 5th February 2022 in The Slieve Donard Hotel, Newcastle (COVID restrictions permitting).


EA Guidance: Ventilation in Schools During COVID


Read the latest updated guidance from EA.

COVID-19: Updated Advice for INTO Members


DE Guidance and PHA advice continues to inform all health and safety steps a school must be following.

Sick Leave and Attendance Webinar Available Online


INTO-NEU-UTU held a joint union webinar on sick leave and the attendance procedure on Wednesday 1 December 2021