
members update

Bulletin 2: Member Update: Impact of COVID-19 on Terms of Conditions


INTO has, through member concerns, identified three main areas of where members’ terms & conditions of employment have been impacted upon by the COVID-19 p...

Updated: Education Restart Absence, Pay & Staffing Guidance Relating to Coronavirus


Read the newly updated Education Restart publication here.

INTO Press Release: Time to Change Things Now


"A worrying number of schools leaders and teachers are, after just two weeks of opening the doors to a new school year, already at breaking point. This is not the INTO crying wolf, rather it is a simple statement of fact”, says Gerry Murphy, INTO Northern Secretary.

Bulletin 1: Prioritise Safe Schools


INTO advises all members to resist the introduction of practices that relax mitigating identified risks. Read INTO Bulletin 1 for further details.

Calling All Student Teachers: FREE Membership of INTO


Sign up today for free student membership of INTO!

Irish National Teachers' Organisation

ATTENTION: School Representatives


Read on for hints and tips for recruiting new members into INTO and for details of this year's recruitment promotion.

Mid-Career Review Webinar


These workshops are aimed at members in the mid-point of their careers – if you are in your mid 40s – 50s, if you are feeling stuck in a rut, burnt out, looking for a change or thinking about retiring but too young to retire – book your place at the INTO Career Review Workshop where there will be presentations from various organisations on topics relevant to you.

COVID-19 FAQs Updated


COVID-19 FAQs: Sections 2,3,4,5,6 & 7 have been updated for the new school term.

Current Risk Assessment Template


The current DE/EA Risk Assessment templates can be accessed here.