
EA Revised COVID Guidance for Schools: August 2021


The Education Authority has issued updated COVID guidance for all schools.

Updated COVID-19 Guidance


We would like to inform members that updated guidance from the office of the Minister for Education, Michelle McIlveen MLA, to Principals regarding COVID-19 ...


The INTO expresses concern for educators and students in Afghanistan


Tuesday, 17 August 2021  In light of the unfolding events in Afghanistan, the INTO expresses its concern for educators and students in the country and for continued equal access to education for all students.  The INTO is committed to cultivating a spirit of fraternal co-operation with kindred organisations and articulates its full support to the … Continued

COVID-19 Guidance for Educational Settings – Letter from the Minister


We would like to inform members that a letter from the office of the Minister for Education, Michelle McIlveen MLA, to Principals regarding COVID-19 Guidance for Educational Settings is now available to view online.

INTO is hiring …


We are currently recruiting for two fixed term positions in our Conditions of Employment and Leadership and Communication sections ...

Northern Office Summer Opening Hours


The INTO Northern Office will be closed for the July holidays on Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 2021. While the office is closed members can still access information and guidance from the INTO via our website or can get in touch again from 9.00am on Wednesday 14 July by, telephone, email or through the query … Continued

Attention All Newly Qualified Teachers


Join INTO today to get your first year of membership for free!

President, Joe

INTO President thanks members for delivering a school year like no other


As we come to the end of a unique and often challenging school year, I would like to take a few moments to say thank you for your leadership and the support ...

Teachers’ Incremental Pay Progression 2021-22


DE have written to schools to advise that temporary cover has been approved to allow the payment of incremental progression increases to eligible teachers from September 2021.