
INTO Advice: COVID-19 and School Closures


In light of the continued decision on the part of the Minister of Education to have schools remain open, a decision opposed by INTO along with all the educat...

Tips and Tricks – Home Learning


INTO has collected some practical tips and tricks for our members on home-based learning, during the current school closure...

NITC Calls for School Closures


The Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council (NITC) have written to the First Minister and Deputy First Minister seeking urgent action to address the increasing ...

Calls to Northern Office


Please note, as we trial for a potential office closure, all calls to Northern Office on Wednesday 18 March 2020 will automatically transfer to our voicemail system....

INTO Events Cancelled


Due to ongoing concerns in respect of the Coronavirus Pandemic we are currently facing, INTO have taken the decision to cancel all upcoming events...



INTO advises that any member who is feeling anxious and concerned due to underlying medical conditions and the possible impact of contracting the Covid-19 virus should contact their GP and follow the advice given...

INTO calls for immediate schools’ closure in Northern Ireland


Following confirmation of a case of community transmission of the coronavirus in Northern Ireland, INTO Northern Secretary Gerry Murphy urges the Stormont Executive...

Congress 2020 is postponed – joint union statement


The three teaching unions, the ASTI, INTO and TUI, have today taken the decision to postpone our forthcoming Easter conferences...

INTO Youth Conference Cancelled


The Youth Conference, due to take place in Kilkenny tomorrow (Friday 13 March) and Saturday has been cancelled in light of the latest health-related decisions on COVID-19...