
Make Your Voice Heard – Use Your Vote TODAY


Please remember to post your ballot for the election of your new General Secretary.BALLOTS MUST REACH HEAD OFFICE BY 5PM, MONDAY 17TH DECEMBER 2018.Tomorrow,...

NERI: Annual Dónal Nevin Lecture


The Nevin Economic Research Institute (NERI) is delighted to announce Professor Kevin O'Rourke will give this year's Annual Dónal Nevin lecture. We hope you...

NIC-ICTU Better Work: Better Lives Campaign


Northern Secretary, Gerry Murphy wrote to INTO members about the NIC-ICTU Better Work Better Lives campaign which the INTO is supporting and participating in...

INTO Youth Conference


If you are an INTO member aged 35 or under you are invited to come along to our Youth Conference on Friday 11 - Saturday 12 January 2019 in The Armagh City H...

Membership Plus Competition Winner


Congratulations to INTO member Theresa Carragher from Newry who won a £50 Marks and Spencer voucher courtesy of Membership Plus.

Modifications to Industrial Action: November 2018


Following intensive engagement with our membership during recent branch meetings and bearing in mind that we continue to engage with Management Side to find ...

Time for Equality


Northern Ireland is the only region of the UK which does not provide or recognise same-sex marriage, despite huge support among the public and Northern Irela...

Audit Office Ignore the Funding Elephant in the Room


Tuesday, 16 October 2018The Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO) report entitled “The Financial Health of Schools,” published on 16 th October 2018 makes...

ICTU Violence in the Workplace Survey


The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) is carrying out this survey at the request of the member unions of the NIC-ICTU Education Trade Union Group which c...