


INTO continues to support Pride events across the North and launches its first float at the Belfast Pride parade this weekend.The Parade forms up at Custom H...

The NHS at 70: March of Support and Celebration


Send a strong people's message in support of the NHS by joining the demonstration at Belfast City Hall on Saturday 30 June 2018.This demonstration will be th...

A Right to Education: Surveys for Teachers and Pupils


Does our current Education System protect and promote the Right to Education?“put an end to the two-tier culture in Northern Ireland by abolishing the 11+ ...

INTO Updated Data Privacy Policy for INTO Members


Today (25 May 2018), the General Data Protection Regulation becomes law.INTO takes the privacy and protection of members’ data seriously and, under the GDP...

March for Equal Marriage


MARCH WITH US FOR EQUAL MARRIAGEAssemble 2.30pm Writer's Square, Belfast, Saturday 2 June 2018 We still don't have Marriage Equality.Make your voice heard.Ma...

ICTU Menopause and the Workplace Survey


The Irish Congress of Trade Unions is interested in gathering information about how the menopause impacts on people in work. We are asking that our members t...

New ‘INTO 150’ Video Highlights Union’s Struggles and Values


INTO has over recent months worked with a production company on a video to mark "INTO 150". The film seeks to capture core values of INTO through presenting ...

May Day 2018


INTO members are invited to attend this year's May Day march and rally on Saturday 5 May 2018.The theme of this year's rally is 'Better Work - Better Liv...

Vere Foster Lecture 2018


The INTO annual Vere Foster lecture will take place on Friday 11 May 2018. This year's lecture entitled 'Supporting teacher professionalism for the achieveme...