Region: NI

The 2024 Annual Northern Conference took place at the Europa Hotel, Belfast, on Friday 1 March – Saturday 2 March.

This conference was kindly sponsored by Cornmarket Insurance Services.
The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Stronger Together’.

Speakers in the Opening Session included: 

Aine Groogan – Deputy Lord Mayor of Belfast 


Caoimhin Mac Colaim – Northern Committee Chairperson 
Dorothy McGinley – INTO President 

Please click below to view the Education Minister’s address to Conference and the Northern Secretary’s response: 

Paul Givan – Education Minister 
Mark McTaggart – Northern Secretary 

Shane Ruane – Secretary (INTO LGBT GROUP)


Northern Conference debated motions submitted by branches and districts, on a range of topics including Teachers’ Pay, Special Educational Needs Provision, Teacher and Leadership Workload, the EA One Portal, Palestine, NISTR and Academic Selection.  Conference also considered the Northern Committee’s Annual Report. 

View Key Documents for Northern Conference below:

Queries regarding Northern Conference 2024 should be emailed to


InTouch November/December 2023

Return to power-sharing a welcome development

INTO Annual Congress is held at Easter and is the supreme governing body of the Organisation. Organisation policy is determined by Annual Congress or by Special Congresses which are called from time to time. Branches, Districts, CEC, BFC and NC are entitled to submit motions for consideration at Annual Congress.

INTO Annual Congress 2023 was held at the INEC, Killarney, on Monday, 10 April – Wednesday, 12 April. Below are a selection of key speeches and debates from Congress 2023.

General Secretary John Boyle – tribute to Gerry Murphy

Address by Cllr. John O’Donoghue


Katerina Maliuta and Olha Chabniuk – Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine

Deirdre O’Connor – Financial Report

Kevin Callinan – Reply on behalf of guests

Northern Committee Report

Accounts Committee Report

Benefit Funds Committee Report

Mary McCarthy – Retired Teachers’ Association of Ireland

Séan Murray – Comhar Linn

INTO President John Driscoll address to Congress 2023

Address by Minister for Education Norma Foley


INTO President John Driscoll opens day two of Congress


Education Committee Report

Equality Committee Report

Principals’ and Deputy Principals’ Report


Deirdre Fleming tribute to Ex-President Joe McKeown
Dorothy McGinley, Incoming President Speech
Edel Polly tribute to outgoing President John Driscoll

Ex-President Joe McKeown addresses Congress 2023

General Secretary John Boyle – tribute to outgoing CEC members

Outgoing President John Driscoll – closing ceremony

The videos below are the property of the INTO and for INTO member reference only. Reproduction without the express permission of the union is strictly prohibited.

South Tyrone AGM

INTO General Secretary hails massive teacher strike over fair pay

Strike Day Thursday 18 January 2024

Unanimous support for NI unions industrial action – ICTU

Printout: January 2024 edition