Region: NI

INTO Annual Congress is held at Easter and is the supreme governing body of the organisation. Union policy is determined by Annual Congress or by Special Congresses which are called from time-to-time. Under Rule 11, branches, districts, CEC, BFC and national committees are entitled to submit motions for consideration at Annual Congress.

The 156th INTO Annual Congress was held in the Millenium Forum, Derry from Monday, 1 April to Wednesday, 3 April 2024.

Photo Gallery

To view a photo gallery from Congress, click here.


To view the webcast from Congress, click here.

Public and private resolutions from Congress 2024

To view resolutions from public and private motions from Congress, click here. (member only)

Strike Day Thursday 18 January 2024

Lisnaskea Branch AGM

South Antrim AGM

Printout – January 2024

Belfast West AGM

Lisburn Branch AGM

The 2024 Special Education Symposium took place at the Midlands Park Hotel, Portlaoise, on Saturday, 24 February 2024.

Speakers in the opening session covered topics such as early years autism intervention, the School Inclusion Model programme, the SEND (Special Education and Disabilities) Transformation Programme in Northern Ireland, and the experience of parenting a special needs child.

The panel session after lunch included representatives from INTO, Department of Education (DE), National Council for Special Education (NCSE), National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) and National Parents Council (NPC) to discuss questions related to special education raised in the discussion groups and submitted by delegates prior to the conference.

This symposium was kindly sponsored by ABC School Supplies.

South Armagh Branch AGM