Region: NI

Class Sizes in Practical Subjects

Menopause and the Workplace OCN Level 2 Accredited Training Course

School Rep Recruitment Promotion: Autumn 2023

Industrial Action FAQs Updated: September 2023

The FAQs archived below are those published during Phases 1-4 of our industrial action campaign from October 2022 - June 2023:

4. Meeting Limited to One Meeting Per Term Of One Hour Duration

PHASE 3 - Commencing 8am Wednesday 4 January 2023: FAQs

3. Meetings/events held outside of the school’s normal pupil learning day

PHASE 2 - Commencing 8am Monday 1 November 2022: FAQs

NB: For ease of reference questions will be placed into sections to correspond with the numbering on our Industrial Action Campaign Poster (pdf).

1. Teaching Time / PPA

2. Lunchtime Supervision

3. ETI Inspections

7. Training Events / Meetings

PHASE 1 - Commencing 8am Monday 17 October 2022: FAQs

NB: For ease of reference questions will be placed into sections to correspond with the numbering on our Industrial Action Campaign Poster (pdf).

1. Boycott Assessment Arrangements

2. No Submission of Planners or Lessons Plans

4. Meeting Limited to One Meeting Per Term Of One Hour Duration

5. No Engagement in New Initiatives

7. No Classroom Observation Outside PRSD or EPD

10. Principals’ Data Boycott

12. Members Are Not to Complete Any Part of The School Development Plan

Vacancy for Senior Official (Permanent)

Webinar: Workload and Time Budgets

Webinar: Teaching Allowances & Workload

Webinar: Time Off Entitlements

POSTPONED – Webinar: Advancing Your Career