Region: NI

INTO Press Release: Urgent Action Needed Responding to RAAC in Schools

An archive of all industrial action posts from March 2022 can be accessed below:

Strike Action: Wednesday 29 November 2023

Teachers Strike Over Pay: Read the full INTO PRESS RELEASE here.

Why is our action necessary? View the INTO INDUSTRIAL ACTION PRESENTATION (pdf) here.

ASOS Update: 29 November 2023
Failure to elicit a satisfactory response from the employers has left us with no option but to escalate our Industrial Action. This additional ASOS for all members will take effect from 29 November 2023:

36. Members will refuse to facilitate any activity in relation to the reconstitution of of Boards of Governors until a resolution to this dispute has been agreed.

FAO: Leadership Members – Current Action Short of Strike: Appendix 1 (further to Action Point 28)

Principal members are not to provide information or data to the employing authorities relating to staff or pupils outside of the Annual Census and monthly return.

CLICK HERE for Appendix 1

20 November 2023
Given that there has been no progress toward a resolution to the ongoing teachers’ pay dispute, the constituent members of the Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council, (NITC), today informed the Managing Authority of their intention to instruct members to engage in strike action beginning 00:01 on Wednesday 29 November 2023 and ending at 12 noon on Wednesday 29 November 2023.

Read the full NITC PRESS RELEASE (pdf)

6 October 2023

FAO: School Leaders

Please find attached a communication from the Northern Secretary, Mark McTaggart in relation to the letter to schools from Management Side yesterday:

SCHOOL LEADER UPDATE: Annual Census Return (pdf)

The information relates to the agreed Action Short of Strike instruction in place since 3 April 2023 and in particular relating to the annual Census return for 2023.

If you need any further information contact Northern Office by email at

22 August 2023

The members of the Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council (NITC), the representative body for the teachers’ unions, have come together to ask union members to stand strong on Action Short of Strike instructions. In the absence of any response to the pay claims for members, the NITC remains firm in following the course of action initiated in the last school year.

We would ask members to take some time to revisit these actions, and to ensure that they are embedded in their school practice going into the new school year.

The NITC members have acted as one throughout this period of action, and this must continue.

As has been outlined previously INTO will endeavour to keep all members informed with the most up-to-date information available through the INTO website and our social media platforms.

INTO thank you for your support in this action over the past year and look forward to finding a resolution to our dispute that will be acceptable to all our members, and will be reflective of the true worth of teachers across the north.

A Message from Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council

Dear valued members of INTO, NAHT, NASUWT NI, NEU and UTU,

NITC stand united in our commitment to securing a fair and just future for the education sector. The challenges we face in terms of workload and fair compensation are significant, and it is crucial that we take a stand together to make a real difference.

We are thrilled to present a joint video message from your respective unions – NASUWT NI, INTO, NAHT, UTU, and NEU. This video carries a powerful message about the importance of empowerment, embedding industrial and collective action. By following these instructions effectively, we can create a significant impact and draw attention to the need for change. As educators, you are the backbone of our education system, and your voices matter.

Let’s stand together, empower each other, and embed industrial action as a means to achieve our goals. It’s time to make a difference – for yourselves, your colleagues, and the students who depend on us.

29 June 2023

As members prepare for their well-deserved and much needed summer break, it is now a full school year since you were balloted and voted for industrial action. Teachers and school leaders continue to demonstrate their capacity to fight for a salary that properly reflects their true worth to society, a salary that will allow them to feel properly valued and respected as the professional educators they are.

While congratulating our members, and those teachers from the other unions that make up the NITC for their determination and resolve, I would like to take this opportunity to outline the proposed road of travel for the unions moving forward.

The thirty-five individual pieces of action that make up our current action short of strike remain in place for September 2023. I would ask members to take some time to revisit these actions, and to ensure that they are embedded in their school practice going into the new school year.

The five teacher unions have acted as one throughout this period of action, and this must continue.

To this end, the NITC Industrial Action Sub-committee will meet prior to schools returning to prepare a calendar of further action for the 2023/24 school year. Once these dates have been agreed, we will communicate them to our members. This will happen in August so that the Committee will be acting against the background of the most up-to-date information regarding the political and educational situation and to allow for fully informed decisions to be taken.

It is imperative that this fight continues. Failure to do so has the potential to have a devastating effect on the life chances of the children and young people across the north. The effect of the real terms pay cuts is already obvious, with the shortage of supply teachers especially subject-specific for post-primary schools. This is made all the more perilous, given that teachers in the north are now the lowest paid teachers across these islands. A teacher in Scotland’s pay is already valued on average at one third more than that of a teacher here.

With this in mind, NITC has submitted a claim for 2023/24 of 12% or inflation plus 2%, whichever is greater, in addition to our claims for 2021/22 and 2022/23.

As has been outlined we will endeavour to keep all members informed with the most up-to-date information available through the INTO website and our social media platforms.

I thank you for your support in this action over the past year and look forward to finding a resolution to our dispute that will be acceptable to all our members, and will be reflective of the true worth of teachers across the north.


A reminder for teachers on our key actions short of strike:

31 May 2023

Download your copy HERE (pdf)

Industrial Action: Phase 4 from 8am Monday 3 April

From 3 April 2023, INTO members were instructed to undertake additional, continuous Phase Four action. A reminder of the full details can be found in the documents below:

PHASE 4: Action Short of Strike from 3 April 2023 (pdf)

PHASE 4: Appendix 1: Expansion of Action Point 28 – Leadership Members – Non-provision of Data (pdf)

27 April 2023

Thousands of education workers turned out in Belfast city centre during a day of strike action on Wednesday 26 April. INTO members joined our sister union colleagues to protest over teachers’ pay and conditions and the recent raft of further cuts to vital schemes.

View  selection of photographs from our Day of Action HERE.

26 April 2023

Read the INTO Press Release ‘INTO Strike Action’ HERE.

Read a message of solidarity with our members from INTO President, Dorothy McGinley HERE.

21 April 2023

It is now just two days until INTO members across Northern Ireland take strike action on Wednesday 26 April 2023 in pursuance of Fair Pay for Teachers.

The INTO are asking all members to picket their school or college and to attend the rally at 1pm outside Belfast City Hall.

In advance of Wednesday, please join our online webinar at 8.00pm on Monday 24 April 2023. This webinar will give members information on picket protocols and rally event information. Members will also be given an opportunity to ask questions regarding our industrial action and the strike day. Register HERE.

The Strike Action FAQs have also been updated on our website. They can be found HERE.

Watch video messages to members from President, Dorothy McGinley, Chairperson, Siobhan McElhinney and Northern Secretary, Mark McTaggart:

Advice to all Members Taking Part in Strike Action on Wednesday 26 April 2023

19 April 2023

After receiving a huge mandate for industrial action in furtherance of the current pay dispute, INTO members will be instructed to take strike action on Wednesday 26th April 2023.

Members will withdraw their labour for the entire day.

The INTO are requesting its members…

  • To support their colleagues by not attending work during the day of strike action.
  • Make themselves available to attend organised pickets at school gates and/or the rally at Belfast City Hall at 1pm. (Placards / flags etc will be made available.)
  • Members taking part in the strike are under no obligation to inform their principal of their intention to strike.
  • School representatives should not inform their principal of the names of members in school.
  • Not to log on to school/C2k network at any time during strike action.
  • Not to read or respond to any work-related emails during the strike period. Members can add an ‘I am on strike’ automatic reply to their email account.
  • Not to set work for students or prepare for or engage in remote learning.
  • Members may have respectful conversations with colleagues who are not taking strike action not to cover classes or perform duties normally completed by those on strike.
  • Members who decide not to take part in strike action should not perform any additional duties other than those which they are normally required to do.

Principal members are advised to…

  • Inform the Board of Governors/Employing Authority that they will not be on site on Wednesday 26th April 2023.
  • Seek advice from their Employing Authority in respect of normal ‘house-keeping’ issues which may include how pupils are accommodated, the administration of reporting teacher attendance, and the possible need to conduct any necessary Risk Assessment
  • Presume that teachers will be taking part in strike action unless they have indicated to the contrary.
  • Be mindful of the fact that, even where a teacher has indicated that they will be available for work, they are entitled to decide on the day that they wish to engage in strike action.
  • Afford teachers and support staff who are not taking industrial action the ability to only carry out their normal contractual duties.
  • Liaise with the different teacher union representatives in their school, but not to request the names of union members taking part in strike action.

Under Article 95 of the Industrial Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1992 attendance for the purpose of attending a picket line must…

  • be carried out by a person attending at or near his own place of work.
  • Members should only attempt to persuade other teachers to join the strike in a peaceful, non-threatening manner.
  • the school rep represents those picketing, should supervise the picket line making sure it does not cause obstruction of a path, road, entrance or exit to premises.
  • The picket supervisor should carry a letter of authority, issued by the INTO, which should be made available to the police, if required to do so. This will be available on the website prior to the day of action.
  • All persons deciding to cross a picket line must be allowed to do so without hinderance.

Industrial Action: Phase 4 from 8am Monday 3 April

3 April 2023
The Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) and four other teacher unions – NAHT, NASUWT, NEU and UTU have announced a full-day strike on Wednesday, 26 April 2023.

The announcement coincides with an escalation of Action Short of Strike which commences today.

Following today’s decision, INTO Northern Secretary Mark McTaggart said:

Today marks a momentous day for teachers and school leaders in Northern Ireland. All five members of the NITC will unite for a day of action – a last resort to demand an annual cost of living increase from the Department of Education and the Northern Ireland Office. No teacher wants to take this step, but it’s necessary when reasonable demands are ignored.”

“Employers and the Department of Education seem to have conveniently forgotten that it was teachers who risked their lives and those of their families to keep the education system running during the pandemic.”

“Teacher’s pay has dropped by a staggering 25% in the past decade, causing recruitment and retention issues, resulting in a continued shortage of teachers. It’s time to take action and demand a fair pay settlement for those responsible for providing the best education for children and young people.”

“Teachers and school leaders have already demonstrated their capacity to fight for a salary that properly reflects their true value to society, and which allows them to feel valued and respected by those in power. It is imperative that we continue this fight, failure to do so has the potential to have a devastating effect on the life chances of the children and young people in their care.”

Industrial Action: Update for Members

22 March 2023

Today, the employers have been notified that in addition to the continuous Phase One and Phase Two Action Short of Strike begun on 17 October 2022, 1 November 2022, and Wednesday 4 January 2023; from 3 April 2023, INTO members are instructed to undertake additional, continuous Phase Four action.

Full details can be found in the documents below:

Letter to Employers re: Notification of Phase 4 Industrial Action Additional Continuous Action (pdf)

Letter to Employers: Enclosure 1: Totality of Action Short of Strike from 3 April 2023 (pdf)

Letter to Employers: Enclosure 2: Appendix 1: Expansion of Action Point 28 – Leadership Members – Non-provision of Data (pdf)

Industrial Action: Update for Members

1 March 2023

While INTO had the authority to move forward with taking a further day of action on Thursday 16th March 2023, following discussions with the other teachers’ unions at a meeting of the Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council a collective decision was taken not to proceed with this second day of action. The following statement is the agreed position of the NITC:

Dear All

The NITC wish to thank all of you who took strike action on Tuesday 21st February for sending a strong and united messages to the employers that all teachers are prepared to work together for a fair pay settlement for all teachers and school leaders.

The NITC met earlier this week to discuss our next steps and gave consideration to a proposal for strike action on the 16 March. Unfortunately, this date is no longer considered viable.

As we move forward together, we will be looking at dates in April as well as collectively examining our action short of strike action.

INTO will of course continue to update members regarding any changes in our action.

Circular 2023/03

With respect to Circular 2023/03 – Revised Personal Education Plan Guidance for Children Looked After, published on 17th February 2023, it is the position of INTO that this is a new initiative, and therefore falls under the ongoing action short of strike. Members should therefore refuse to adhere to the revised guidance until such time as the guidance has been workload proofed and agreed by your teachers’ unions and should revert to the guidance followed prior to 17 February 2023.

Advice to Members Taking Part in Strike Action

2 February 2023

After receiving a strong mandate for industrial action in furtherance of the current pay dispute, INTO members have been instructed to take strike action on the morning of Tuesday 21st February 2023. Members will make themselves available for work from 12pm onwards.

The INTO are requesting its members…

  • To support their colleagues by not attending work during the hours of strike action.
  • Make themselves available to attend organised pickets at school gates and/or local rallies in your area. (Placards / flags etc will be made available.)
  • Members taking part in the strike are under no obligation to inform their principal of their intention to strike.
  • School representatives should not inform their principal of the names of members in school.
  • Not log on to school/C2k network before 12.00pm.
  • Not to read or respond to any work-related emails during the strike period. Members can add an ‘I am on strike’ automatic reply to their email account.
  • Not to set work for students.
  • Members may have respectful conversations with colleagues who are not taking strike action not to cover classes or perform duties normally completed by those on strike.
  • Members who decide not to take part in strike action should not perform duties other than those which they are normally required to do.

Principal members are advised to…

  • Inform the Board of Governors/Employing Authority that they will not be on site until 12noon on 21 February 2023 in case they need to make practical arrangements for any staff not involved in industrial action.
  • Seek advice from their Employing Authority in respect of how pupils are accommodated, the administration of reporting teacher attendance, and the possible need to conduct a Risk Assessment.
  • Afford teachers and support staff who are not taking industrial action the ability to only carry out their normal duties.
  • Liaise with the teacher union representatives in their school, but not to request the names of union members taking part in strike action.

Under Article 95 of the Industrial Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1992 attendance for the purpose of attending a picket line must…

  • Be carried out by a person attending at or near his own place of work.
  • Members should only attempt to persuade other teachers to join the strike in a peaceful, non-threatening manner.
  • The school rep represents those picketing, should supervise the picket line making sure it does not cause obstruction of a path, road, entrance or exit to premises.
  • The picket supervisor should carry a letter of authority, issued by the INTO, which should be made available to the police, if required to do so. This will be available on the website prior to the day of action.
  • All persons deciding to cross a picket line must be allowed to do so.

Additional information can be found at the Frequently Asked Questions section of our website.

Instruction to Members

25 January 2022

Dear Members

INTO has today informed the Employing Authority of its intention to instruct members to withdraw labour for a half-day (morning) strike on Tuesday 21 February 2023.

INTO will issue further information to members prior to the half-term break and encourages all members to show their support for one another on the day by being involved.

The reasons for the half day strike is as outlined in the Newsweaver email issued on Friday 20 January 2023. (Details can be viewed below):

Read the INTO Press Release here

Industrial Action: Update for Members

20 January 2022

Dear Members

At the meeting of Northern Committee on Friday 13 January 2023, given that there has been no significant movement from Management Side to resolve the issue of teachers’ pay, the Committee voted to move to the next phase of our industrial action mandate, strike action.

INTO is taking strike action because cuts to teachers’ pay, and lack of funding for schools, is causing a crisis in education.

  • The value of teachers pay has fallen in real terms by 20% since 2010.
  • This has caused an additional crisis in recruitment and retention.
  • More teachers and school leaders than ever are leaving their jobs and enough teachers cannot be recruited to replace them. This is leading to a significant shortage of supply teacher cover especially in specific subject areas.
  • Funding for schools has not kept pace with rising costs which will ultimately lead to further redundancies across the North.

The first of the planned days of action is scheduled to take place in the weeks immediately following the February half-term break. The action will initially consist of members withdrawing their labour for a morning, with the action beginning at 1am and teachers returning to school at 12pm. It is expected that the action will be co-ordinated across all the constituent members of the Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council.

PLP update

Members are instructed to disengage with the implementation of Phase 1 PLPs due to related workload issues and should where necessary revert back to using IEPs. Members are further reminded that from 4 January 2023, they are instructed not to participate in training for, or the implementation of any work relating to Phase 2 of SEND Implementation and PLPs, until instructed to the contrary.

Contact the Northern Office or your Northern Committee Representative for further details.

Industrial Action: Phase 3 from 8am Wednesday 4 January

19 December 2022

In addition to the continuous Phase One and Phase Two Action Short of Strike that began on 17 October 2022 and 1 November 2022, from Wednesday 4 January 2023, members are now instructed to undertake the following, additional, continuous Phase Three action:

  1. Members shall only be directed to attend one formal school meeting of no more than one hour duration per calendar month.
  2. Members are to teach their teaching hours only, 25 hours per week max in primary and 23.5 hours max in post-primary (or pro-rata if part-time) and should complete Directed Time, outside of the school’s normal pupil learning day, at a time and place of their choosing.
  3. Members are not to attend meetings/events held outside of the outside of the school’s normal pupil learning day (including open, prize and parents’ evenings).
  4. All members are reminded not to engage in scribing activities.
  5. Other than fulfilling a teacher’s contractual obligation members are not to meet with or report to parents on an ad hoc basis in person, online or by telephone, outside pupil sessions except in exceptional circumstances pertaining to legitimate safeguarding and child protection issues.
  6. Members are reminded that they cannot be directed to undertake extra-curricular activities.
  7. Members are not to carry out requisition of materials or teaching supplies unless specifically allocated appropriate time within their Directed Time Budget.
  8. Principal members are not to write Annual Board of Governor Reports.
  9. Principal members are not to engage with or enact any process associated with redundancy procedures within schools that are as a direct consequence of budgetary constraints, other than category one redundancies.
  10. Members are instructed not to participate in training for, or the implementation of, any work relating to Phase 2 of SEND Implementation and PLPs, until such time as feedback has been published with regard to the workload associated with this area from Phase 1 schools.

Derogation to Industrial Action:

Members should, at both system and school level, take due cognisance of any educational or care plan for the young persons in their charge who have special educational needs and ensure they are not negatively impacted as a consequence of this industrial action.

Industrial Action: Phase 2 from 8am Tuesday 1 November

24 October 2022

Download a copy of the above NITC Co-ordinated Phased Actions Short of Strike: Phase 2 Poster (PDF)

In addition to the continuous Phase One Action Short of Strike Action begun on 17 October 2022, from 8am Tuesday 1 November 2022, members are now instructed to undertake the following, additional, continuous Phase Two action:

Action Short of Strike Action – Phase Two

  1. Members are to teach their teaching hours only, 25 hours per week max in primary and 23.5 hours max in post-primary (or pro-rata if part-time) – and should undertake to prepare, plan and assess for their pupils at a place of their choosing. (School bus duties are exempt from action).
  2. Members are not to complete lunchtime supervision unless they have voluntarily entered a separate or ‘secondary’ contract of employment for this activity.
  3. All members are not to engage with Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) inspections, other than for legitimate matters of safeguarding or if the school is in the Formal Intervention Process.
  4. All members are not to provide remote learning unless time has been made available through the DTB for the purpose and approved by the TNC.
  5. All members are not to co-operate with the scrutiny by other staff of pupils’ books, nor conduct scrutiny of the books of pupils of other staff colleagues.
  6. All members are not to respond to emails/telephone calls/online learning platform messages before 9.00am and after 3.00pm or during the lunch break, save for legitimate matters of safeguarding and child protection.
  7. All members are not to attend training events or meetings convened by employing authorities, save for legitimate safeguarding training.
  8. All members are not to attend Area Learning Community (ALC) meetings or participate in the Pathways Into Partnership initiative.
  9. All members are not to respond to, or facilitate, consultations initiated by employing authorities and any other arms length bodies unless requested to do so by their trade union.
  10. Principals produce one financial plan per year only after final school budget has been allocated which is not to be shared with employing authority, DE or associated ALBs. Plans should only reflect the year immediately following date of allocation. Until such times as a three-year budget is produced for schools, principals should limit any school development planning to one year.
  11. Principal members are not to facilitate school visits by School Development Services (SDS), save for on legitimate safeguarding issues or if the school is in Formal Intervention.
  12. Principal members are not to engage with School Improvement Professionals (SIPs), apart from at their request and associated only with urgent school-based needs.
  13. Principal members will refuse to provide information to employers regarding staff participating in lawful industrial action.

Press Release: INTO Members Start Industrial Action

14 October 2022

Monday October 17th sees INTO members in schools across the north commence industrial action short of strike. The action comes on the back of the recent ballot of members carried out by the union in late September, where INTO members gave their union a huge endorsement for a campaign of industrial action. This course of action has been forced upon our members following the failure of the employers and Department of Education [DE] to make an acceptable pay offer to INTO members for the 2021/22 year and their further failure to make any offer for the 2022/23 year.


Industrial Action: Phase 1 from 8am Monday 17 October 2022

7 October 2022


Download a copy of the above NITC Co-ordinated Phased Actions Short of Strike: Phase 1 Poster (PDF)

Northern Committee Chairperson Encourages Members to Familiarise Themselves With The Action being Taken from 8am Monday 17 October 2022:

7 October 2022

Press Release: INTO Members Overwhelmingly Vote for Industrial Action

5 October 2022

Members in the North have voted overwhelmingly for industrial action short of strike and strike action following a ballot which was carried out over the last three-weeks of September. The outcome mirrors the results coming in from the other five recognised teachers’ unions who have also been balloting for industrial action in the same period. In an unprecedented show of unity all five teacher unions in the north have been co-ordinating their balloting processes and will now embark on an agreed programme of industrial action short of strike.


Ballot Result

5 October 2022

The results of the ballot are in and on the back of a huge turn out for a postal ballot we are committed to embarking on a campaign of co-ordinated and planned industrial action in co-ordination with our fellow trade union colleagues in the UTU, NEU, NASUWT and NAHT [the other members of the NITC]. The turnout from INTO members is greater than the turnout figures for the two previous ballots INTO held and allows members to move into this campaign with confidence.

This campaign will commence on Monday October 17th at 8.00am. It is designed to be initially a campaign of action short of strike which will escalate over three phases; the first phase begins on October 17th 2022; the second begins on November 1st 2022 and the third and final phase of the action short of strike begins on January 1st 2023. All five unions, making up the NITC, will be operating to this agreed timetable with our NASUWT colleagues coming into line with us from November 1st 2022. Follow this link to see the action you are being directed to follow in phase 1.

All of the NITC unions have agreed on this phased approach to provide several clearly signposted points that management side have the power to avert with an offer to satisfy our reasonable demand for a fair and just pay rise. Equally, should management side choose not to act, then you the members can see a clear demonstration of your union and our fellow NITC colleagues exerting additional pressure to encourage them to change their minds.

If we get to 2023 without reaching a position where the management side have brought forward an offer that the NITC deem worthy of putting to you for consideration, INTO along with the other recognised teachers’ unions will, at that point, begin planning for strike action. Should it become necessary to initiate strike action, NITC will aim to do so beginning in the first half of Term 2 of the 2022/23 academic year.

It is the sincerest hope of both the INTO leadership and the NITC, that the employing bodies and the Department of Education see sense and bring forward a worthy pay offer that will be acceptable to you. Should such an offer be made which the NITC considers worthy of your consideration then we will make suitable arrangements for your views to be heard prior to a final decision to either accept or reject it.

Please ensure we have up-to-date contact information for you so you can be kept fully informed of developments in this dispute and to facilitate your contribution to any decision which may have to be made on a pay offer in the future.


INTO Vice-President and CEC District 1 Representative Encourage all Members to Return a Resounding Yes Vote

9 September 2022

Dorothy McGinley, INTO Vice-president and Seamus Hanna, CEC District 1 Representative, encourage all members in District 1 and 2 to return a resounding YES vote for strike action and YES for action short of strike in the upcoming ballot.

INTO Vice-President, Dorothy McGinley:

Seamus Hanna, CEC District 1 Representative:

Northern Office Officials Encourage Members to Vote

7 September 2022

Northern Office staff set the wheels in motion for a members’ ballot on industrial action following the breakdown in pay negotiations with the employers. Members are encouraged to vote YES for strike action and vote YES for action short of strike so INTO can negotiate from a position of strength.

Assistant Northern Secretary, Mark McTaggart encourages members to vote in the upcoming ballot:

Northern Committee Chairperson, Siobhan McElhinney encourages members to vote YES and support our fight for fair pay for teachers:

Senior Official, Nuala O’Donnell speaks to members about the importance of our upcoming ballot:

Northern Office Intern, Paul Kerr asks all members to vote – ‘You deserve better’:

INTO Video Message to Members from the Northern Secretary

6 September 2022

Following the employer’s failure to bring forward an acceptable pay offer for 2021/2022 and 2022/2023, the INTO Northern Secretary, on behalf of the Central Executive Committee and Northern Committee, has informed them of our intention to ballot members with regard to Strike Action and Action Short of Strike. The ballot will be arriving to members’ homes from Monday 12th September 2022.

CEC and Northern Committee are recommending that members vote YES to both Strike Action and Action Short of Strike to strengthen your union’s negotiating position moving forward.

Please watch a message to all members from the Northern Secretary, Gerry Murphy re: the INTO ballot for industrial action:


INTO Message to Members re: Ballot for Industrial Action

22 August 2022

We have been engaged for the last year now in efforts to arrive at an acceptable cost of living increase for you which addresses both the cost-of-living crisis and continues to address the devaluation of your salary that over a decade of underfunding in education has seen your workload increase to compensate for.

Read the full Message to Members (pdf)

INTO Press Release:
INTO Announces September Ballot for Strike Action

16 August 2022

Thousands of teachers could, early in the autumn term, be either taking strike action or working to rule, in protest at the prolonged erosion of their pay coupled with increasing levels of unmanageable workload.

Read the full INTO Press Release (pdf)

INTO Press Release:
INTO Decides to Ballot for Industrial Action

27 June 2022

The Northern Committee of the INTO met on Friday past. The Committee unanimously decided, in response to the continued lack of progress in achieving a decent and fair pay uplift for teachers and in the face of the worsening cost of living crisis, that they had no option but to seek a mandate for industrial action from the membership.

Read the INTO Press Release (pdf)

INTO Press Release:
Pressure Mounts Among INTO Members for Industrial Action

24 May 2022

INTO, Northern Secretary, Gerry Murphy has indicated that he believes INTO will have no option but to ballot their members shortly on whether or not they are prepared to take industrial action as a result of the continued failure of management side to resolve the teachers’ pay claim for the 2021/22 year.

Read the INTO Press Release (pdf)

NITC Letter to Political Parties

3 May 2022

The NITC have written to the five main political parties in their letter of 3 May 2022 (pdf) seeking to ensure that resolving the issue of teachers’ pay is included as a substantive agenda item in the talks that will follow this week’s election on Thursday 5 May.

Pay Campaign: Member Update

28 April 2022

INTO Chairperson, Marie O’Shea and Northern Secretary, Gerry Murphy have written to members in an e-newsletter dated 28 April 2022 (pdf) to keep you updated regarding the ongoing NITC Pay Campaign.

NITC Pay Campaign Video

5 April 2022
Watch members from all four unions (INTO, NAHT, NEU, UTU) as they speak directly about the issues being highlighted in our joint pay campaign:
NITC Pay Campaign Video (YouTube)
NITC Pay Campaign Video With Irish (YouTube)

Questions for Election Canvassers

1 April 2022
We have identified a range of questions for candidates in the NI Assembly Election.
If you are canvassed by candidates, please ask parties to answer these questions (pdf).


Public Meetings – Further Information

31 March 2022
INTO, NAHT, NEU & UTU are holding a number of public meetings to discuss the issue of teachers’ pay. Meetings will allow members a chance to have their voice heard and for us to share with members our plans – more details below:

Teachers’ Unions Come Together to Launch a Pay Campaign

31 March 2022
The members of the Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council (NITC), the representative body for the teachers’ unions, have agreed to act jointly to make finding an acceptable resolution to the question of teachers’ pay an election issue.

For further information read the full NITC Press Release (pdf)

NITC Pay Campaign – Details

29 March 2022
The following Northern Conference resolution was passed at Conference 2022.

Conference notes the failure of the Employing Authorities and the Department of Education to respond to the Pay Claim from NITC with an offer that is acceptable to the Council.

Conference welcomes the rejection of this derisory offer.

Conference calls on Northern Committee to work with the other recognised teachers’ unions of the NITC to devise and launch a pay campaign aimed at placing teachers’ pay on the agenda of every political party prior to the Assembly elections and make the resolution of the issue a feature of post-election negotiations that the political parties will engage in. Such a campaign will involve public meetings, rallies, the use of webinars and social media platforms to allow members’ voices to be heard.

Conference further calls on Northern Committee to continue, should it be impossible to reach an acceptable settlement on pay, to work with the NITC to bring forward a co-ordinated campaign of industrial action up to an including strike action.

As a result of the resolution, the agreed NITC position (on a 4 out of 5 basis – NASUWT unable to endorse) is that together we jointly run a pay campaign over the 6 weeks in the run up to the Assembly election on 5 May 2022.

The objective of this campaign is to force the issue of teachers’ pay on to the agenda of the political parties and to make resolving the issue a feature of the post-election political negotiations.

NITC unions are arguing for political commitment in the coming mandate to resolving teachers’ pay.

The impact of Public Pay Policy (maximum of 1%) is continuing to erode the value of teachers’ pay.

The education employers through the Department of Education must engage with DoF (Finance) after the elections to prioritise pay resolution.

NITC believe that the issue of Teachers’ Pay must be included as a key concern and included at the top of the agenda in any new or revised ‘Stormont House’ Agreement or similar.

Listening to members:

To this end we are holding a number of public meetings across Northern Ireland;

  • 4 April Newry (Canal Court)
  • 4 April Ballymena (Tullyglass Hotel)
  • 7 April Northwest / Derry (City Hotel)
  • 12 April Belfast (Stormont)
  • 13 April Omagh (Strule)

All meetings will start at 7:00pm and NITC union representatives will address those attending.

These meetings will allow us to share with members our plans:

  • Campaigning during the election on the issue of teachers’ pay
  • Political engagement with Executive parties immediately after the election.
  • Should it be impossible to reach an acceptable settlement on pay, to work with the NITC to bring forward a co-ordinated campaign of industrial action up to and including strike action.

Further action:

  • We will be emailing all members with advice and guidance on how to raise the issue when canvassers call at their door.
  • We will be communicating with parents through schools so that they are aware of the damage to education as a result of the erosion of teachers’ pay.
  • We will engage with Executive parties after the election to prioritise teachers’ pay.

Our members have already clearly expressed frustration and anger over their pay, workload and working conditions.

Teachers are disappointed that there has been no recognition of the dedication and hard work during the pandemic when teachers stood up as key workers to ensure the continuation of education and implementing remote learning alongside face-to-face learning for the children of other key workers and vulnerable children.

NITC are calling on the Executive to:

  • Avoid further pay ‘cuts’.
  • Urgently repair the damage that has already been done because of the erosion of teachers’ pay.
  • Listen to the united voice of the teaching profession and make the changes necessary to properly value teachers and school leaders.

Teachers and school leaders have suffered from a succession of pay cuts against inflation for over a decade, negatively impacting the ability of the profession to compete against other graduate professions and increasing recruitment and retention problems.

The impact of the pay freeze, and below inflation pay increases continue to be felt while inflation climbs higher.

Huge rises in energy costs and the National Insurance increases will only add to the already devastating impact of the attacks on teacher and school leader pay levels since 2010.

Increases to starting pay must be seen alongside equivalent increases for all teachers and school leaders, and those increases must be enough to begin to restore the pay losses against inflation since 2010.

To value education, Employers must also value educators and that means proper pay!

Training for Members: 2023-24

Northern Committee Training

COVID-19: Latest Update

Threshold & Upper Pay Scale Progression: 2023/24

Northern Office Closure

Belfast West Branch Meeting

INTO Diary & Wall Planner 2023-34

Teachers’ Unions Come Together to Strengthen Industrial Action Campaign