Region: ROI

Circular 0088/2024

Homelessness in the Classroom: Guidance for Primary Teachers

Join INTO’s National Education Debate

Galway Principals and Deputy Principals Forum

Tuam Principals and Deputy Principals Forum

District 6 Committee Meeting

Roscommon Principals and Deputy Principals Forum

South East Galway Principals and Deputy Principals Forum

District 7 meeting

Upcoming Webinars

24 March: Transforming Education through Collaborative Leadership

the INTO will hold a webinar with Educational Leadership Network Europe (ELNE) on Transforming Education through Collaborative Leadership. 

This webinar will discuss the importance of collaborative leadership in addressing current and future educational challenges, like technological integration and global preparedness.  

The discussion panel will further address diverse stakeholders in the field of education, who will share real-life examples of successful collaboration. 

Register HERE.

This webinar will take place from 3pm to 4:15pm.


2 April: Building Neurodiversity-Affirming Schools – Fostering Inclusive Environments for Neurodivergent Teachers and Pupil – Claire O’Neill

In this webinar we will explore what it means to be a neurodiversity-affirming school and how such an inclusive approach can benefit all.

Register HERE.

This webinar will commence at 3:30pm.


2024/2025 Webinar Recordings

Title Presenter(s) Recording
Carol Ní Cheallaigh, Oide Leadership Sonraí agus Seans
Jessy Ní Cheallaigh and Julie Anne de Brún Seachtain na Gaeilge
Tarsila Kruse Pragmatic Strategies for Primary School Teachers
Dr. Becky Long Creating Book Clubs and Reading Groups in Your School
Dr. Becky Long Building a Culture of Reading for Joy
Sian Abraham Long Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism: Best Practice through the Yellow Flag Framework – Facilitated by Sian Abraham Long
Annmarie Collins Supporting Traveller Pupils in the Classtoom
Baisat Alawiye Supporting Religious Minorities in the Classroom
Briana Fitzsimons Anti-bias, Anti-racism and Storytelling
Mark Delahunty AI to Support School Leaders
Agnieskza Graham and Michelle Downes Keeping Students on Track: Tools for Enhancing Student Focus
Mark Delahunty AI to Support Assessment and Differentiation
Mark Delahunty AI to Support Planning and Resource Creation
Dr Becky Long, Children’s Books Ireland Using Narrative Fiction in the Classroom to Explore Difficult Childhood Experiences
Carol Ní Cheallaigh and Orla Waters – Oide PMC Team Shape and Space – Exploring the New Primary Maths Curriculum
Debbie Cullinane Lets Talk Parents! Engaging and working with Parents of Primary School Children: Parent-teacher meetings and beyond
Annette Ormond Getting started in SET
Mary McKenna Getting Started in an Autism Class


2023/2024 Webinar Recordings

Title Presenter(s) Recording
Aoife Merrins-Gallagher Getting Started With EAL
Dr Becky Long How to Inspire Summer Readers with Children’s Books Ireland
Eleanor Corry and Ciarán Caulfield DEIS Action Planning for School Leaders
Adrienne Darby and Sinéad Kilkenny SSE for School Leaders
Claire McNamee Regulation and Regulation Spaces in Schools
Noel Loftus Whole School Approach to Behaviour Support
Ciana Callanan Ag Forbairt Teanga ó Bhéal – Cur Chuige Spraíúil agus Uil-Scoile
Julie Anne de Brún Ag Breathnú ar Leabhair Scéalaíochta agus Léitheoireacht mar chuid den Churaclam Teanga na Bunscoile
Aishling Nic Pháidin Túsphointe na Pleanála
Catherine O’Reilly From Story Telling Critical Thinking in School
Ciana Callanan An Integrated Approach to Leading Whole-School Wellbeing Practices in Primary Schools
Catherine O’Keefe (Wellness Warrior) Menopause Awareness in Schools
Michelle Hannafin Playful Approaches Using the Primary Maths Curriculum (Stage 3 & 4: 3rd-6th Class)
Deirdre O’Toole Playful Approaches Using the Primary Maths Curriculum (Stage 1 & 2: Junior Infants – 2nd Class)
Tracy Curran (NCCA), John Behan (NCCA) and Realtin Berry (Oide) Primary Mathematics Curriculum – A New Vision
Fiona Nic Fhionnlaoich Spraoi agus súgradh I múineadh na Gaeilge I scoileanna
Claire Dunne Cuir tús spleodrach le Seachtain na Gaeilge! Get Seachtain na Gaeilge off to an exciting start!
Laura Ní Mhaille & Mary Moore No More Initiatives; Incorporating Sustainability into What You’re Already Doing
INTO | Paul O’Donnell The Classroom with the Green Floor & Blue Ceiling – Bringing Primary Teaching and Learning Outdoors
INTO | Dr Anne Dolan, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick Education for Sustainability in Primary Schools: Adopting the Sustainable Goals as a Framework for Action
INTO | Elaina Ryan, CEO of Children’s Books Ireland | Dr Becky Long Exploring Diversity through Children’s Books