Region: ROI

Webinar: Building a Culture of Reading for Joy

Schools to Close as Storm Éowyn Hits

INTO Annual Congress is held at Easter and is the supreme governing body of the organisation. Union policy is determined by Annual Congress or by Special Congresses which are called from time-to-time. Under Rule 11, branches, districts, CEC, BFC and national committees are entitled to submit motions for consideration at Annual Congress.

The 157th INTO Annual Congress will be held in the The Galmont Hotel & Spa, Co. Galway, from Monday, 21 April to Wednesday, 23 April 2025.


INTO Congress Extranet

The Congress extranet is open to all delegates attending Congress. You should have received the login details in your delegate confirmation email. The extranet is a one-stop-shop for all the Congress-related information you will need throughout the 3 day event in Galway.

A digital version of Congress documentation will be available there, including the CEC Report, Agenda, Order Papers, Committee Reports, etc.

You can also find details of all fringe events taking place and see a full list of trade exhibitors at the conference.

Make sure you login to the extranet before arriving at the Galmont and bookmark the extranet in your browser.

Check it out here.

Dublin City South West AGM

Dublin West AGM

Dublin City South East AGM

Dublin North County & Dublin North West AGM

Tullamore Branch AGM

Birr/Banagher Branch AGM